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22. �If this shall be the last time� -Sara Teasdale

If this shall be the last time
then let us make it slow and sweet,
let it last the night.

If this shall be the last time
let me linger in your eyes,
let me hold you a little longer
and taste your lips once more.

If this shall be the last time
stand before me
and let me seal this image in my mind,
for in this parting
a piece of my heart, a part of my life
leaves me, too.

If this shall be the last time
let us not acknowledge it,
let us not speak of it.
Place your hand in mine and let us remember
how we smiled and laughed
and think not on how quickly
time passed from us.

If this shall be the last time
think not of what we�re losing
think not of what will not be
think of what we�ve had and shared think of me
as I shall think of thee.

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